The Bubble Teaaa

Her Blue Iris

The Bubble Teaaa

Directory Form

Want to be listed at MY BFF's Online E-Shop Directory and receive free features of your latest updates?

Here's what you've got to do:

  1. Link MY BFF banner over at your e-shop to be verified. 
  2. Email me at with the details below:
  • Site name: (official site name that you want to be known as)
  • Site URL: (provide correct link)
  • Country : Malaysia / Singapore (highlight one that applies)
  • Active email (the same email you will use to update me with your latest products)

  • Highlight one of these categories that suits the nature of your products:
Brand new (everything you sell must be completely brand new/from suppliers)

Preloved (everything you sell are used goods/new goods that you bought on impulse)
Handmade (everything you sell are specially self-made)
All-in-one (your products are a combination of any of the four categories above)
  • Highlight one of these categories that suits the nature of your site
Apparels (majority apparels only)

Accessories (majority accessories like necklace, earrings, bracelets, rings, anklets, eyewear or headwear, belts, etc)



Pre-order (majority are bulk purchases or pre-orders)

Beauty (majority items like cosmetics, skincare, bodycare, fragrances, nail art, slimming care, spa care and/or contact lenses)



Mixed (a combination of any kinds of products)

I will reply you with a confirmation email notifying if your e-shop has been listed or not. Please do not spam and wait patiently for a reply :)
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